Community engagement

Community engagement

Here you can find out about the various ways in which we work with communities closest the airport.

Draft Noise Action Plan 2024 - 2028

We're consulting with local communities on our plans to manage and mitigate noise caused by aviation operations. You can find out more about our Draft Noise Action Plan 2024 - 2028 here.

Download a copy

Community newsletters

Our community newsletters are issued by email quarterly, and they come packed with information on Greater Good, our sustainability strategy, and wider updates from the airport campus and beyond.

The newsletters restarted in August 2023 and you can access copies below.

- Summer 2024: Inside EDI newsletter

- Summer 2023: Inside EDI newsletter

Sign up for our Community Newsletters

Register below to receive these newsletters straight to your inbox as soon as they are published.

Edinburgh Airport Consultative Committee

The Edinburgh Airport Consultative Committee (EACC) was established by Edinburgh Airport Ltd (EAL) by virtue of its statutory obligation to provide adequate facilities for consultation to a broad cohort of stakeholders on any matter of interest concerning Edinburgh Airport’s management and operation. The EACC is independent of EAL.

Our group is representative of a wide range of interests, including up to 25 appointed members from local authorities, civil aviation bodies, passenger groups, businesses and community groups.

The group is of huge value to the airport, providing fundamental advice and suggestions which help shape the business decisions which define our airport.

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Edinburgh Airport Accessibility Forum

The Edinburgh Airport Accessibility Forum (EAFF) advises the airport on its approach to Passengers with Reduced Mobility and Additional Needs.

It brings together a number of representatives from various groups to inform the airport on its procedures and operations, and to provide feedback on things the airport has in place or is proposing to introduced.

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Site visits to Edinburgh Airport

As part of our commitment to being a Trusted Neighbour and engaging with our community we host a number of school groups for tours and visits to the airport campus each year.

Due to the volume of these requests we do have a waiting list. Priority will be given to schools located in areas of high multiple deprivation, within areas impacted by the airport's operations, and to groups with additional support needs.

At this time we are unable to accommodate requests for tours outwith normal working hours. Should this change we will update this section of our website to reflect. Furthermore, we should outline that operational requirements will dictate whether visits can be facilitated.

Due to the busy nature of the airport it can take time to organise and carry out the required checks needed for a full tour. As a result requests be made at least four weeks in advance of the proposed date.

If you'd like to request a tour please email [email protected] and we will get back to you with more information.

Edinburgh Airport control tower

Our control tower is one of the most iconic buildings in Scotland and is immediately recognisable as the symbol of Edinburgh Airport.

We get many requests for it to feature in campaigns for a whole range of people, charities and causes, and that includes changing the colour of the lights from our normal brand colour of purple. As we get so many requests we try to limit the tower light changes to ensure that when we do make the change then it has maximum impact.

In order to fairly decide whether we should change the tower lights going forward, we have come up with a list of criteria which any future requests should be judged against.

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Safe use of drones

It is important drone users understand their responsibilities when using drones near an airport.

It is illegal to fly a drone within 5km of an airport, with major penalties for those who break the law. Anyone flying a drone either recreationally or commercially must take responsibility for doing so safely and in accordance with the Air Navigation Order.

Drone users can only fly within the restriction zones if they have the correct permission from air traffic control or the airport. Do not operate your drone in the vicinity of the airport until permission has been given. You can request permission by filling out a form linked to in the button below.

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