
A sustainable future is important to all of us because we all want to know we are caring for our planet, for our friends and family and for the people and things that make up our lives.
We all must play our part.
At Edinburgh Airport, we realise a sustainable future is for the Greater Good and our strategy reflects that by setting out what we are doing for the planet, for our people and for our country.
Aviation is a force for good in Scotland. It's a significant employer and it directly supports tourism, our universities, business and culture, making a major contribution to the economy. And our strategy is about more than just carbon; it's about making our business, Scotland's gateway to the world, sustainable and a social and economic asset that serves future generations. To do that, we have to carefully consider our impact on the environment and act accordingly.
We are all looking to be part of a more sustainable future and we all have a part to play so we think it is right for us to set-out our strategy and the four key pillars within our Greater Good strategy.
We know we have an impact, good and bad, on our neighbouring communities and it’s important that we continue to strengthen links with our neighbours. We will share the benefits of growth with the communities closest to our airport, and work to mitigate any negative impacts associated with an airport.
How will we do that? By being a good neighbour that collaborates with and supports our local communities, and one that shares our business success with the community via investment and educational programmes. We also want to acknowledge and mitigate our negative impacts on communities and help them understand our operations as much as possible.
As the place where Scotland meets the world, our airport is a travel hub – both internationally and regionally. We see it as our responsibility to create a business with integrity, working with our People, Passengers and trusted Partners to deliver a workplace we are proud of.
To achieve this, we will strive to make Edinburgh Airport one of the best places to work in Scotland by providing quality jobs and skills and training opportunities for all. We will be resilient to effects of climate change and be flexible in our approach, ensuring scrutiny and transparency by sharing our ESG performance.
We know a pivotal part of any sustainability strategy is setting out the steps we will take to tackle emissions and how our work will reduce our carbon footprint. Edinburgh Airport is no different and although we are carbon neutral as a business, we know as a wider industry there are impacts – we will work to reduce those.
We want to work in partnership to ensure we are leading and advocating in the fight against Climate Change, helping Scotland and the UK transition to a low carbon economy by leading within aviation to achieve Net Zero and continuing to pursue progressive onsite carbon management.
We know that Edinburgh Airport will be for many the first and last point of contact with Scotland, the country we’re lucky enough to call home, so we want to make sure we deliver an airport we can be proud of. We are committed to creating an airport that showcases the best of Scotland whilst delivering the finest passenger experience.
To do that, we will offer passengers a sustainable connectivity experience and be a valued and sustainable partner by reducing our environmental impact and providing options for passengers to help us do that. We will also strive to help make Scottish tourism carbon neutral – a goal we feel is achievable.