Edinburgh Airport Consultative Committee

Edinburgh Airport Consultative Committee (EACC)

The Edinburgh Airport Consultative Committee (EACC) was established by Edinburgh Airport Ltd (EAL) by virtue of its statutory obligation to provide adequate facilities for consultation to a broad cohort of stakeholders on any matter of interest concerning Edinburgh Airport’s management and operation. The EACC is independent of EAL.

Our group is representative of a wide range of interests, including up to 25 appointed members from local authorities, civil aviation bodies, passenger groups, businesses and community groups.

The group is of value to the airport, providing advice and suggestions which help shape the business decisions which define our airport.

EACC meetings and contact

The 2025 meetings will take place on the following dates:

  • Monday 10 February

  • Monday 5 May

  • Monday 4 August

  • Monday 10 November

EACC documents

If you want to find out more then please send an email marked FAO EACC to edicommunications@edinburghairport.com where it will then be forwarded to the secretary.