
As part of our commitment to Corporate Responsibility, we work hard to be a good corporate citizen. Though our aspirations are global, our roots are very much in the communities in Edinburgh, the Lothians, Fife and Falkirk. We strive to grow our business, whilst minimising social and environmental impacts of our activities, to create a sustainable future for our local community, our city and Scotland.
Our Commitments
Ensuring compliance with all applicable legal requirements and with other relevant requirements.
Preventing and reducing pollution, emissions and waste to minimise the effects on the environment.
Strive to be the best neighbour we can be by seeking to prevent, reduce or offset Edinburgh airport’s effects on the local communities.
Provide good conditions of employment, respect diversity and equal opportunity for all staff.
In order to meet these commitments locally, Edinburgh Airport sets and reviews corporate responsibility and environmental targets and objectives which are reported on internally and externally annually through our corporate responsibility report.
Our arrangements to deliver our commitments
We recognise that our responsibility goes far beyond the airport perimeter fence. Successful airports are essential for economic growth through increased business, new jobs, trade links and tourism. Where we do not directly control Edinburgh Airport’s impacts, we will work in partnership with stakeholders Edinburgh to improve performance, and we will work to influence the development of appropriate government policies where we are able to do so.
We will ensure that our business strategies integrate the sustainability issues that are material to our business and delivered through our Managing Responsibly System. We will define objectives and goals in consultation with our stakeholders. We will deliver these through action plans and performance targets embedded within key functions within our business. We will measure and review progress against these targets and report performance through transparent communications.
Our Responsibilities
Our Managing Responsibly Group is responsible for ensuring that this policy remains up to date through its effective governance. Heads of Departments are responsible for ensuring that plans are in place in their functions to deliver this policy and the ‘Responsibly’ strategic objectives.